Deming Small Businesses
Main Street America (MSA), New Mexico Main Street Program, and Deming Main Street are pleased to offer the National Park Service (NPS) Main Street Façade Grant Improvement Program, made possible through a grant through the Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program administered by the National Park Service, Department of Interior. The NPS Main Street Façade Improvement Grant Program will provide grants to Deming for business/building owners.
Business owners and/or tenants of existing buildings within the Deming National Historic Register District (NRHD) or eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
In Deming: up to $46,000 in grants available for façade improvement projects. • Individual grants to building and business owners will be between $5,000 and $25,000. • Match requirement: 30% For example, if the total project cost was $24,000, the grantee would contribute $7,200 (30%) and receive $16,800 (70%) in grant dollars. • For grants below $10,001, grantees will be required to sign a five-year preservation agreement. • For grants between $10,001-$25,000, grantees will be required to sign five-year covenant agreement, which will be recorded on their property deed. • Interested grantees will submit a grantee application form detailing their project and their match sources, which will be reviewing on a rolling basis. • Annually, grant recipients will be required to report predetermined metrics to MSA. • Grantee financial information will not be shared with New Mexico Main Street program or Deming Main Street.
What projects are eligible for grants?
• All grants must be used towards exterior rehabilitation or improvement of existing commercial or mixed-use existing buildings within the Deming National Historic Register District (NRHD) or eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
• Eligible projects include, but are not necessarily limited to:
o Awnings, roof, canopies, storefronts, doors, paint;
o Landscaping;
o Exterior lighting;
o Window repair;
o Masonry work;
o Signage.
• All proposed façade improvement work must be submitted to and approved in advance by the NPS and MSA and be conducted in accordance with local design guidelines and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. • MSA will forward the grant application and design review materials to NPS who will review the project scope and design for compliance with Section 106 of the National Preservation Act of 1966 and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). • After NPS is done with the Section 106 review, they will forward their determinations to each SHPO for their concurrence. • NPS and MSA reviewers overseeing this project design review meet the Professional Qualification Standards used by the National Park Service, published in the Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part 61.
Twice per year, grant recipients will be required to report predetermined metrics to MSA. Metrics will vary according to business type. MSA, New Mexico Main Street Program, and Deming Main Street will work with grant recipients to determine which metrics best capture the effects of the project, and report forms will be made available to grantees.
What should grantees consider when they apply?
• Building owners and business owner tenants of commercial and/or mixed-use buildings must be located within commercial districts and either already listed in the NRHP (either individually or as contributing to a district) or eligible to be listed (individually or as contributing to a district.
• Tenant/Business owner applicants will be required to submit written evidence of building owner’s approval of the application.
• As part of the grant application, applicants will be required to complete a Design Review form that would require the property/business owner to provide documentation to illustrate the project scope of work.
• Applicants will have to sign either a five-year preservation agreement or five-year preservation covenant at the conclusion of the project. See example forms on NPS Main Street Façade Improvement Grant Program homepage.
• Applicants will be required to submit financial data and credit history to MSA prior to being approved for a grant. No financial or credit data will be shared with New Mexico Main Street Program or Deming Main Street.
• Applicants will be required to comply with all Federal and State Civil Rights and Equal Employment opportunity laws and agree not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, marital status, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.
How to Apply
• Fill out the National Park Service Main Street Façade Improvement Grant Application. Email completed applications to [email protected] and [email protected].
• Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
• Before filling out the application, please make sure:
o You have a contractor’s scope of work to submit with the application.
o You have completed and submitted a Design Review portion of the application. You have completed NEPA worksheet.